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Free legal assistance

Part 2 of Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On free legal assistance" stipulates that the State Tax Service, as a subject of providing free primary legal assistance within its competence, provides the following types of legal services:

1) provision of legal assistance;

2) provision of consultations and clarifications on legal issues;

3) compiling of applications, complaints and other documents of a legal nature (except for procedural documents).

To receive free legal assistance in the State Tax Service, it is necessary to fill in the application in an arbitrary form and send it to the email address or to the postal address: Lvivska square, bldg. 8, Kyiv, 04053.

According to the Procedure for consideration of appeals and organization of personal reception of citizens in the State Tax Service of Ukraine and its territorial bodies, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine № 297 as of 15.06.2020, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 02.10.2020 under № 969/35252, personal reception of citizens is held at the address: Kyiv, Lvivska square, bldg. 8, first floor, public reception.

However, according to Paragraph 19 of Protocol № 2 as of 10.03.2020 of the extraordinary meeting of the State commission on technogenic and environmental safety and emergency situations "On the state of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of Ukrainian population and measures to stabilize epidemic situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus" personal reception of citizens at the State Tax Service is suspended until a special order.

Please also note that the state guarantees everyone a right to receive free legal assistance. To receive such assistance, call the number of the Single contact center of the free legal assistance system 0800 213 103 (24/7 and free of charge within Ukraine from landlines and mobile phones) or contact the nearest center for provision of free secondary legal assistance in person. Information about addresses of relevant centers, as well as types and procedure for obtaining free legal assistance can be found on the website of the free legal assistance system