1. The applicant may apply to the STS of Ukraine with a request for information whether this information applies to him personally or not, without explaining the reasons for the request on information.
2. Request for information is submitted in any form.
3. Requests for information should contain:
full name (title) of the applicant, post address or email address and phone number of (if any);
general description of the information or the type, name or content of the document which is requested (if known);
sign and date if request is in written form.
4. To facilitate the issuance of a written request for information, the applicant may use the appropriate Request Form, approved by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No. 1491 as of 25.11.2011 (hereinafter - the Request Form). These Request Forms are available at the STS of Ukraine at Kyiv – 53, 8 Lvivska Square, first floor, or on the official website of the STS of Ukraine in the " Acces to the Public Information".
5. The applicant can fill out the electronic Request Form for information on the website of the STS of Ukraine.
6. The Requests for information may be submitted personally to the Public Information Access Providing Unit of the Taxpayer Treatment Department of the STS of Ukraine during visiting hours (Monday to Thursday, 9 am. to 1 pm. and 2 pm. to 6 pm.; on Friday - up to 5 pm.).
7. While requesting for information applicant shall note a convenient form for him for information reception.
8. In the case person may not submit written Request for information at valid reason (disability, limited physical abilities, etc.), the employee of the Public Information Access Providing Unit of the Taxpayer Treatment Department of the STS of Ukraine may execute it with noticing the first name, last name, phone number in the Request for information and provide a copy of the Request for information to the applicant.
9. At the request of the applicant on the first worksheet of the Request for information copy imprint stamp can be marked indicating the name of the STS of Ukraine, the date of issue and the input number of the Request. This copy returns to the applicant.