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How and what requisites of budget account must be used for payment of levy for the one-time (special) voluntary declaration?

, published 16 September 2021 at 11:01

After the payer’s submission of “Reporting” / “Reporting new” / “Clarifying” declaration (hereinafter –Declaration), the integrated card of payer on the corresponding territory is automatically opened and in the E-cabinet (private part) in section “Status of settlements with the budget” there will be information with reflection of requisites for payment of the declared amounts from the one-time (special) voluntary declaration (hereinafter – Levy) with possible use of one of the available payment systems and / or the generated QR-code by payment code 11011100.

Scanning the QR-code on user’s smartphone, the mobile application of a bank with generated account requisites for payment will be automatically opened.

If payer has changed address according to the “Reporting new” or “Clarifying” declaration, than such payer will receive a notification with updated requisites for payment of Levy.

E-cabinet provides automatic filling of a payment order based on the payer’s data.