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Appointment of Dmytro Ventskovskyi as a Deputy Commissioner of the SFS

, published 22 November 2019 at 09:14

On the 19th of November 2019, Dmytro Ventskovskyi was appointed to the position of Deputy Commissioner of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. This decision is enshrined by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №. 1068-р as of 15.11.2019. New Deputy Commissioner was appointed for a 5 year term stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On the civil service”, according to which positions of Category “A” (Senior Civil Service Corps) are subject to the term appointment.

Being at new position, Dmytro Ventskovskyi will focus on successful completion of the reorganization of the State Fiscal Service and transfer of functions to the new services.

“In line with my responsibilities, the following tasks will be a priority for me: completion of property division between the STS / State Customs Service taking into account the specificity of these services and the need to ensure their smooth and efficient activity; maintaining common functions and procedures for the SFS / STS / State Customs Service to complete their division and provide the SFS with funding until the completion of reformation process” – stated Dmytro Ventskovskyi.



As of today there are three power authorities:

1. The State Tax Service that started its activity and received the tax function (Order of the CMU №. 682-р as of 21.08.2019).

2. The State Customs Service that will receive the customs function.

3. The State Fiscal Service that received the returned law enforcement function until the formation of the Bureau of Financial Investigation.

At present, the STS and SCS territorial departments have already been formed. But the SFS remains the balance holder of this property. Total balance value of the SFS property (with territorial departments) is almost 4 billion UAH.