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Tasks and functions

Main tasks and functions of the Department are:

1. registration and record keeping of taxpayers, taxation objects and objects related to taxation;

2. ensuring reliability and completeness of record keeping of taxpayers (payers of single contribution to obligatory state social insurance), taxation objects and objects related to taxation;

3. ensuring formation and maintenance of State register of individuals – taxpayers (hereinafter -State register), other registers, banks and databases within the scope of Department's competence, as well as Register of insured individuals of the State register of obligatory state social insurance, provided for by the law;

4. organization of registration and accounting of registrars settlement operations (hereinafter - settlement operations) used for registration of settlement transactions for goods (services), software settlement operations, accounting books of settlement operations, journals of use of settlement operations on sale of currency values in cash form and settlement books; 

5. organization and control over provision of administrative services, methodical support for organization of service providers for payers and activities of the Taxpayer service centers;

6. organization of implementation of electronic services for business entities, organization of methodological support for the Electronic Cabinet;

7. conduction of, within the Department’s competence, consideration of appeals (requests) of taxpayers (payers of single contribution), state authorities, law enforcement agencies, judicial authorities and other subjects of an appellate right on issues related to the STS’s activities;

8. submitting in the established order to consideration of the Minister of Finance of Ukraine (hereinafter - Minister of Finance) suggestions for improvement of legislative acts, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, normative legal acts of central executive bodies, orders of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (hereinafter - Ministry of Finance), as well as submission to the Minister of Finance for approval of position on the projects of normative legal acts developers of which are other central bodies of executive power;

9. development of the draft laws of Ukraine, draft acts of the President of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, draft orders of the Ministry of Finance and suggestions to other normative legal acts on issues within the Department’s competence and their submission to the Minister of Finance according to the established procedure.